This Patriotic Website is part of the American
Patriot GD Network
-= GDSOB =-
"People who disagree with us are terrorist sympathisers"
- Dolly Parton
Join the GDSOB clan
New members must sing the Star Spangled Banner
3 times and then repeat the following oath with one hand on a sesame
street play and learn book and one leg sticking in the air at a
crazy angle.
"I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce
and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign a-rab, gook,
nip, limey or kraut, of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject
or citizen or sexual playmate; that I will support and defend the
corporations and malls of the United States of America against all
enemies, foreign and domestic, real or imagined; that I will bear
true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will bear arms and
legs on behalf of the United States when told to; that I will perform
personal services in the armed forces of the United States when
asked to nicely; that I will be, like, an awesome person and, like,
not judge; and that I take this obligation at a wholesale price
without any history of mental illness; so help me Jesus."
After a three month induction period we will
then kick you back to wherever you came from working 12 hours a
day making little plastic bits of shit for our God-blessed consumers. |