Call of Duty Links
In war, no one fornicates alone
I must admit, I am getting bored of gaming websites. They all seem
to be the same nowadays. I sort of used to like the terrible hand-made
sites you used to get a couple of years ago. Yes, they were monstrous,
but at least they weren't like any other goddamn gaming website.
To make your COD website, you will need: a banner at the top saying
Call of Duty with a picture of a soldier on it, a forum, a member
list, some shitty advertising banner, a news section, a news archive
section and thats about it. They all look the bastard same!
anyway, here are some call of duty sites:
Call of Duty element
Planet Call of Duty
Call of duty Xtreme Call of duty portal
- well, their forums aren't bad for technical enquiries and stuff.
- these people are mad. or evil. does anyone in their right minds
really say "Elite!" anymore? (there was a spotty mentalist
at cdv who did but he got fired). - some interesting articles
in there. - the hideous official site. its all
in flash and has no useful content in it whatsoever. Avoid at all
Pure cod
Stormtroopers of death
the Royal Society of bum bandits