Roll of Honour
This page is devoted to honouring those gamers who have consistently displayed exceptional ability at kicking our clan's arse.

As this usually happens anyway, only those players who do it in a 'oh my god how the hell did he do that' kind of way get featured.

You have to wonder just how long these people spend playing this game, or perhaps they just have a natural mouse clicking aptitude, i dont know.

Mooney Boy
Bware and Herr Plinkenplonken played with him on a couple of occasions, and both times his attacking play was extraordinary ... an ideal team mate, and the best attacking player we've played with.

Excellent sudden strike player when I can bully him to play, spends most of his time now in a dusty bunker near Castle Wolfenstein waiting for the inevitable Gotterdammerung. Responsible for the UN-Clan and other weapons of Mass Destruction.

Runs, and is responsible for most of the continuing development of Real War mod. Absolute hero, with a sense of humour as big as his ego.

Esna is our very own Mussolini, and we promise to support him and his cohorts of warriors as they spectacularly conquer Abbassynia, Greece and North Africa.