Breaking news ...
12th Jan 2003
We had our first proper clan match for some time on a 4 v 4 map
against UKStrike. We didn't know the map and had only tested it
once beforehand, but we all decided to play as Germans because they
get nebelwerfer rocket mortars. CFE was in the south, i was next
to him, above me was Jeep and in the north was Peder.
Peder and CFE started well making good progress on their fronts
and getting up to the front lines quickly. Jeep and i in the middle,
however, started extremly poorly, with Jeep's truck going for the
middle flag getting stuck in a forest and UKStike's Jeeps took advantage
of this.
We had already got off to a bad start. I made improvised
defences around the flag while Jeep withdrew to concentrate on a
small area just outside the middle town, which was too easy for
UKstrike to defend to risk attacking. I started having to fight
a damage limitation battle and at the start got the better hand
against my UKstrike opposite number, taking out large columns of
his infantry and a couple of his tanks, however he used his extra
men to attack my position through a forest, in which we both had
heavy losses. I am sure i must have been winning by a tank or two
when he sent over a spy plane which i shot down, however it crahsed
into three of my tiger tanks which and caused a chain reaction amongst
my mine field and blew up many mines and riflemen. I was now on
the back foot.
Meanwhile CFE was making a defence line stretching across his front
of mines. He then used his early advantages gained to withdraw to
a safer position behind his mines. He was then engaged in a artillery
Jeep in the meantime was making a very promising attack
through his area and was encountering very little resistance from
UKstrike. I sent a small force of tanks through my opposite number's
flank and managed to destroy a convoy of men and tanks heading to
hit Jeep's exposed flank. This was my only decent attack of the
game and i managed to break through to Dr Jeep and also found the
enemies Sturmtiger and KIngtiger tanks which Jeep hit with Artillery.
If i had then swung into the town i may have been able to capture
the yellow flags, however the prospect fo fighting in the streets
did not appeal, as i thought his main force would be there, i will
never know. I conbtinued with Dr Jeep to attack, however the UKStrike
team had pooled their resources on a ridge to stop Jeep's attack.
Jeep's force and my few men were facing a hugely superior force
and many of our men were lsot, though Jeep's artillery hit several
enemy tanks. I contineued with my King Tiger through some woods
to out flank the enemy, but as i came round onto the flag i was
greeted by a nebelwerfer battery set up to stop this happening.
I think we managed to get a Sturmtiger in the melee that followed,
however i was no longer in a position to attack. Peder was holding
his front up North and amnaged to get the enemy's Sturmtiger. Meanwhile
my front was baing attacked by two sets of artillery and two generals.
There was very little i could do but fallback and
keep up a barrage
to stop the enemy advancing which held them off for a very long
CFE could not manage to take the island he was on, so his defences
were set up to stop any attack by the enemy. I sent a small attack
down through a forest iun the iusland where i met a largwe force
of infantry which were wiped out by my two Tiger tanks, which were
then withdrawn to safety behind CFE's lines. With two genrals spotting
my front there was little i could do to protect my men. CFE and
Jeep sent reinforcements to shore up the line, as it bcame clear
we were not going to be able to attack again.
Then someone crashed,
it was either Peder or CFE, it was very strange, but it happened.
We all rejoined at the same ip.
This was GD's downfall. The
last save was ten minutes previously and UKstrike has sent a few
planes over our positions jsut before that, so trhey knew where
all our artillery and commanders had been before we moved them to
safety. PEder lost his general, I lost all my artillery and CFE
lost some of his and is general, this was really just luck for the
UKstrike guys, but it spelt disaster for us.
My front was now under seriour assault by artillery, however using
my general who had miraculously survived 14 assaisination attmepts,
i managed to hold a line from which they could no longer see me
by using artillery and spotters to keep the enemy back. I held this
line for over half an hour, only taking minor casualties. CFE meanwhile
was having the fight of his life on his front. HIs mine field had
held of an entire advance from the enemy, while his artillery, and
my artillery which was borrowed from Peder,as i had lost mine, crushed
several huge assaults. CFE's defences in the middle were weak, however,
due to him not having a generala nd then enemy's general was looking
in this area.
I sent my general over to try and attack down the
flank as we thought that UKstrike had used all thier resources.
As my geneal drove to CFE's front i made a huge barrier of Antitank
defenfces with a massive mine field and tank obsticles bloking the
road around my flag and the ridge just above it. These proved so
succesful that no vehicle could access the ridge unless they drove
along the ridge to Jeep's front. Although i was forced to give up
the red flag, which was part of a set of four, so it did not matter,
i held the ridge with a TIger tank, a Sturmtiger and a couple of
tank crews. Most of my men had been lost qwhen the
UKstrike team
attacked my position with a huge assault and i had withdrawn
the best part of my resources and let them have the flag. I had
also drawn my artillery back to the line, and then back even further
so they could attack the enemy just beyond the ridge. This position
was unbreachable nand i lef tit with jsut a Tiger tank and three
infantry men to hold a ridge which spanned the length of my front.
I then moveed my supply turcks and sturmtiger to Jeep's front as
there was a small gap at the end of the ridge which could be used
to break through and outflank my defences. I held this gap and built
numerous defences which must have stopped the enemy for some time.
Jeep was doing the same and had made a ridge the position for his
last stand.
Meanwhile I had brought my General up to CFE's lines and with a
couple of mken and a pair of Tigers we were making steady progress
down the flank. Then the enemy sent over a spy plane and i had to
withdraw my Tigers to stop them being hit,
but was able to leave
the General where he was as his black overcoat blended nicely with
the shellhole he was standing on. I was able to use him to see
the enmy attacking with huge numbers of tanks, i think that UKStrike
must have pooled their available resources to hit CFE. HIs mines
stopped nearly all the tanks but the infantry was too much and after
a 15 minute heroic defence using just a few tiger tanks CFE was
forced to give up the flag. He then gave me a truck to put my general
in and i got the man in jsut in time to take him away but as he
was driving back he was surrouned in the forest by enemy infantry
and despite shooting three of them with his Luger, he was shot.
I pulled back my remaining Tiger tanks to an island behind CFE's
line, which he did with all his troops. This was to be the position
of our last stand. I moved all available forces to the island, leaving
my Sturmtiger and two TIger tanks to hold my line while we built
anti tank defences around the bridges. My artillery was brought
onto the island, and JEep and CFE did the same, while Peder chose
to hold on in the north around his home flag. UKStirke, trying to
take Jeep's last storng point befor ethey could outflank my position
had to send men along past my ridge, though they could not get on
top of it.
My strumtiger and infantry massacred them as they
went past below the ridge, however their numbers showed and
Jeep's position finally collapsed. This would allow them to outflank
my defences, so i waited until their first units started attacking
before i pulle doff the ridge to CFE's island with my Sturmtiger
and two Tiger tanks. Our defences were ready and i got everything
onto the island, but then UKStirke sent a paradrop and bombers to
hit the island. They hit lots of CFE's stuff,but missed all of mine.
I left two Tigers on the island, but felt wer would not hold it
against bombers so i sent my Sturmtiger and other two Tiger tanks
to my old defensive postion.
They got there, and defended it for some time, but CFE and my two
Tiger tanks had some how cleared the island of enemy troops and
i tried to get back there.
Unfortunately by this time the enemy
had cut me off from behind and my tanks were destroyed in the
forest. I was most upset to lose my Sturmtiger, but CFE still had
one on his island and i still had two tiger tanks there, aswell
as a howitzer. We all managed to stop UKStrike building the bridges
to get to the island and held on for a long time before they finally
got a Sturmtiger over the bridge. I sent my two tiger tanks after
it, but his infantry stopped them from getting near it.
We held out for aslong as possible with artillery firing at the
bridges, but it was useless. They finally conquered us but it was
an excellent battle and well done to all involved. It lasted over
two hours and was great fun. Everyone played very well and the scores
at the end were huge. It was interesting to note that GD players
all beat the UKstrike scores, however we were defending. I destroyed
the most tanks but i think that CFE destroyed more with his mines,
but it doesn;'t count if the tank doesn't blow up striaght away.
GD did very well and thanks to UKStrike for the game!
here are the scores.
By (GD)Edpow1 - Sudden Strike 2
We all crowded into a game after CDV decided not to turn up to fight
us. We were going to play a 5 v 5
(GD)Dr Jeep, (GD)Pain Master, (GD)PederKnak, (GD) Destroyer and
(GD)Stalin against (GD)Edpow1 and four random gimps.
At the start someone from my team crashed and we were left with
4 men. We got to the front quickly, however and established good
strong positions. I managed to capture a flag in the centre and
get a strong foothold on a small island, from which I could command
the battlefield. On the right we were a man down, but we held key
potions and towns and, apart from Jeep's barrages of artillery,
we stood up well. I got my general to the island and started to
spot Pain's back flag, from where my 88s destroyed several tanks,
before they retreated. I then found myself under a heavy artillery
attack from Pain, forcing my men back. It was all going well when
Stalin dropped. This evened out the teams. I was about to make an
attack on Peder's position, left of my island, when the idiot next
to me charged in and then left. He lost everything and Peder swept
up the flank with Pain in support to the back flag, and I was powerless
to stop him. I sent troops back, but couldn't hold the town. Eventually,
after a close battle he broke through, though my Pershing destroyed
five Panzer 4s before a koningstiger finished it. We were now in
trouble. I moved my remaining front line men to my island fro safety
to make a last stand, as the gimp on the left and left this entire
flank open. I was attempting to bridge to attack Peder from the
side, but Pain's artillery wrecked havoc, and eventually a battle
on the island between my American soldiers and Pain's Panzer's settled
the matter. I lost, but took out most of his tanks at that stage,
and it took a para drop to finish me off.
Reinforcements had just arrived and I used these to defend a good
position outside the town, to stop their forces advancing further.
I held it for a long time before being relieved by a Russian guy.
I retreated into our hinterland to heal my wounds and sit out the
next battle, as I had very little left. Jeep meanwhile was attacking
on our right flank and making good progress. He took the central
town after a hard fight and then moved to attack the home flags
of my team. He used his arty wisely and took out lots of our stuff.
Eventually Pain and Peder broke through on the left where the Russian
defences were broken easily, and then Jeep got through the top,
just. I retreated to the woods and took out several of Pain's and
Peder's tanks before my last tank was destroyed. I sent my last
men into the woods to snipe any passing troops. This worked well,
but by the time my last comrade had fallen I had one man left; Franz
the AT gunner. He was in a wood, well hidden, but with 10 secs to
go Pain master sent a paratrooper firing squad on him and they killed
We got huge scores and well played all, it was a great game!
Report from (GD)Edpow1...
13/8/02 23:00Hrs
Map: Guadalcanal
Kolostomy, Edpow1, Painmaster (Pimp behind the wheel)and auxillary
member Guderian just played SSUK (a newish clan). Painmaster took
the top of the map, Guderian took the top middle, i took the bottom
middle and Kolostomy took the south. Lt. Lee was placed onto the
enemy team to even up the numbers in the titanic struggle. The Glorious
Grossdachshund Division came out fighting like tigers (amusingly
most of our tanks were Tigers) and Guderian and I managed to hold
control of the middle balloon. Guderian made an opportunist's attack
and put the enemy forces into disarray, but soon faltered and had
to withdraw under the cover of my Panzer IIIs.
Meanwhile Painmaster and Kolostomy were producing fierce artillery
attacks, but we weren't making much progress. Soon the SSUK boys
were attacking the middle and Guderian and I had to fend off several
well timed attacks. Kolostomy managed to make a goo attack with
his trademark Russian Blitz attack and captured a vital balloon
before being repelled by Lt. Lee (his opposite number) When our
generals arrived we made little progress in the centre, Guderian
loosing his to a well placed artillery shot and, after inflicting
heavy damage I too lost mine. The war in the centre ground to a
stalemate with neither side making any progress. It soon became
clear to the brave GD boys that the flanks were the key. While Painmaster
and Kolostomy kept up their artillery attacks i managed to make
a bridge from my side of the river to an island, which i was able
to take and use a looking platform. I soon managed to make a clearing
and was able to get some troops to the opposite bank, but was not
able to make any decent attacks. We eventually decided on a joint
attack over the weakest point of land. We sent all our troops south
to gang up on Lt. Lee. He stood up for some time but with a constant
artillery assault and the might of the GD Panzers, he was beaten.
His comrades attacked, but we held our footing and as our powerful
tanks arrivied Guderian and i were able to strike out and take two
key flags with constant support from Painmaster and Kolostomy. Lt.
Lee was defeated and with our combined map we went on to sweep up
the rest of the map. The game lasted over an hour and a half and
everyone played well. It was a close game but The Glorious Grossdachshund
Divsion prevailed!
Well played to all involved. A fantastic game which was thouroughly
enjoyable. The SSUK boys played very well and gave us a good fight!
This is Edpow1 Over and Out!
Report from (GD)Jof...
2/7/02 21:00Hrs (Yorkshire Time)
A splendid victory this evening from the GD massive - we played
TNT on the Guadalcanal map. The impressive line up saw me (GD) Fireman
Sam (aka Jof), Major Clanger, Edpow1 and Kolostomy vs 4 of the TNT
tribe (sorry guys i don't remember your names!) ;( The map is a
tacticians dream as all relies on thrust and counterthrust along
a large valley with cliffs on each side. GD started well with positions
being taken quickly and the wonderful play by Ed to secure the vital
middle flag. 10 minutes in and young Ed valiantly held onto the
flag but with large losses to his tank and infantry reserves (you
don't get massive reinforcements on THIS map!). Teamplay as ever
though amongst the Beefy GD boys alllowed Kolo and Clanger to reinforce
the centre (My sector was too far south to bother sending forces
in). Ed and Kolo held well in the centre whilst Clanger fended off
assaults in the North. In the South my opposite number foolishly
threw a large force into a massive minefield i'd laid overseen by
snipers and infantrymen, oh boy they died in droves! At this point
as usual Ed's Feisty ZX81 and Safeways Chopped liver tin can and
Garden string apparatus failed miserably causing him and a TNT dude
to crash out, never to be seen again on the battlefield that night.
Ed rooted through his cupboards for a Napolina Chopped Tomatoes
can (of particularly fine resonance) as a replacement but could
only find a tin of Spam (grossly woefull on the bandwith front).
We restarted 3v3 with Kolo now holding the entire central sector
and bravely shrugging off several concerted attacks for the middle
flag. After 30 min the Southern sector opened up as I spotted a
general surveying my At guns and picking them off with arty. Unfortunately
for him my snipers blew his tits off and a couple of Pershings wiped
out the accompanying Armour. Sensing a hole to exploit i sent in
the 39th Suicide truck Battallion to soak up the enemies minefield
followed by 8 jeeps in assault. The jeeps took a blue flag then
the southernmost flag, at which point i committted all my armour
and infantry in support. Meanwhile Kolo and Clanger assaulted across
the middle almost to the key flag on the enemy side. My tanks penetrated
the enemy hinterland and took two more flags before supporting Kolo
and Clanger in the middle. TNT collapsed like a house of cards.
Post match analysis showed a tremendous victory against the very
talented TNT boys with all 3 remaining GD players scoring almost
exactly the same! The map is a difficult one due to the small forces
received throughout and the easily defended terrain. Although high
calibre artillery is in abundance on the map TNT played well by
keeping their forces well clear of the "usual" hotspots and i think
most of the GD rounds simply churned up Farmer Maggots' Lettuce!
A solid performance nevertheless, well done lads!
Report from (GD)Edpow1...
Jof and i played two guys on a new map. We started well taking the
middle island of the map and making good attacks on their flanks
I managed to push deep into their flank before they could halt me,
while Jof was taking the central island on a lake. We soon had the
upper hand and were given paratroopers for our efforts but at that
moment Jof and one of then enemies dropped! I fought on against
a guy called Che Guvera (who insisted he had not been shot). I dropped
my paras deep into his territory and took two key balloons, which
gave me more paratroopers. I promptly attacked the other flank with
these and soon had his men cornered in a pincer movement.
After sending some tanks in on sorties to find his weaker positions
i quickly sent them all round the far side of his defences, via
the island, to take his home flag from behind. I then rounded his
troops into a corner where i offered him surrender. He refused and
shot himself, the horrors of war! A pleasing win, but a shame that
Jof dropped out so early.
by Edpow1
Report from Railwayman...(31/5/02)
Match Report - GD v EA - Thursday 23rd May 2002 - Map - Guadalcanal
Thursday’s match resulted from our new acquaintance with (EA)Arnie,
leader of the EA clan, Rail and Edd having played a friendly the
previous week (and won!!) During the approaching days, the tension
mounted for a grand 4 v 4 battle.
We even turned up half an hour early, to have a pre - match planning
meeting. Ed, our acting (unpaid) selector had picked a strongish
team of himself, Kolo, Clanger, Railway and De Warenne for this
intercontinental farrago. Alas, EA could only field 3 players and
therefore De Warrenne volunteered to play for them and make it a
4 v 4 but UNFORTUNATELY for us, he was party to our pre - match
tactics talk and the swine spilt the beans to Arnie’s mob. Can’t
trust anybody these days.
Anyway, all was set at 9pm and then the usual disaster struck. Ed
lost one of the two bean tins from the end of his string which doubles
as a modem for his ZX81 Spectrum (Leave my spectrum alone, don't
touch what you can't afford - Edd) and we all had to sit around
while he tied a new knot and reconnected. This delay highly unnerved
the rest of the team who were all psyched up ready for battle! Clanger
and Railway had the centre, Kolo the left and Ed the right wings.
The Grand Plan was to pound the centre with Clanger’s and Rail’s
arti and then have a major push, splitting Arnie’s EA armies in
two. In theory it would then have been just a matter of time until
we cleared them off the map. We threw enough shells across the beach
to destroy anything moving, but of course knowing our tactics, Arnie
had kept the centre very lightly manned, so that the only thing
we were blowing up was the daffodils. Came the big push and - yes-
you’re one step in front already - all Arnie needed to do was to
move his troops across to meet our highly trained advancing hordes.
Two valiant attempts were made and we did actually hold that centre
flag for a couple of milliseconds!!
Alas, our reserves were depleted and EA came in through the wings,
picking off Kolo and Ed and finally surrounded Rail and Clanger,
who by this time had only a couple of medics and a bag of stones
to retaliate with. The points at the end of the game reflected GD’s
efforts and although we lost, it was no whitewash. The game almost
went the full two hours and six pints. Railway’s excuse was that
he was too pissed, Clanger’s that he was too sober and Kolos that
Clanger and Rail moved across the centre too fast. Ed offered no
excuse as he was lagging too badly, having attached an inferior
Tesco Fruit Salad tin to his tin and string modem. The writer tends
to agree with Kolo Despite all this, everyone had a fun game and
has made good friends of the EA boys. There will no doubt be a return
match very soon, when we will wreak our revenge and will tell De
Warenne all the WRONG plans, just in case he gets seconded to the
opposition again!
Report from De Warrenne...
Played with WSS clan ( ANGRYMARK, Striker and Sam) against some
peeps on Purgatory.
Playing with these guys is a bit of a revelation. They’re fast,
cunning and above all, hold their lines - wow.
I started in the middle section, and after the usual skirmishes
to see who can get most of the orange balloons the lines settled
evenly. The southern orange flag was under a lot of pressure from
the start with some weakening of our defences, however I flanked
the attacking force which meant that they had to pass a line of
flak and AT guns before reaching the front line - this weakened
them, reducing their potency. WSS know how to use generals. I lost
count of the times that a pocket of enemy forces were in view due
to good positioning of the generals. The result in each case was
the same - severe arty pounding and a round of ‘lol’ on the team
chat. Our opposition lost two players - one lost connection and
one jumped soon after - but the remaining two launched a fierce
assault on the Northern orange flag. It was contained and all our
units made the push forward. I found that I had sent a ‘recce’ truck
way into no-mans land without encountering any resistance so I sent
five Panthers and five trucks of infantry after it, this let me
flank a raised position and take the flag. From here on in it was
mopping up time, and the game was soon won.
Cheers for the game WSS, Its always nice to do business with professionals…..
Well done De Warrenne, representing the clan, WSS are a good bunch.
- (GD)Edpow1
Report from Edpow1...
Edpow1, Whittman, Stalin and Major CLanger V Four randomly picked
We were playing on a new map this time from Clanger's archive of
Spielkartes. Clanger annd Trekie took top and bottom respectively
while Whittman and i took the centre. CLanger's fast Russian tanks
helped myself and him take the middle flag with ease, around which
i dug in. Whittman spread out along the frontline while Stalin and
CLanger moved on the flanks. Then came a full scale assault on my
middle flag. I was very stretched and with some help from Clanger
i held onto the flag. Unfortunately two of the other team then dropped
and one left because his rush attack had failed. We had taken command
of the game from a early stage and were all dissapointed to find
ourselves against just one foe. Still we played on and I hounded
the middle posistions with ym artillery, using the foothold round
the flag as a viewing platform. Eventually Clanger and Stalin broke
through in the north and south and took two flag groups. I decided
it was time to act and moved my army through the centre taking a
flag with ease after my artillery had secured the area. Clanger
rushed south and Trekie north as Whittman and I crossed the centre
effectively trapping all the remaining enemy units. We captured
the last flags and knew we had won. We would have won without the
other players dropping but it was a shame not to have the satisfaction
of a total victory! Trekie and i had a fight with our tanks before
the sole surviving enemy fled into the night. It was a fun, relaxed
game and wasn't too hard to win, next time we may need a challenge!
Well played to all the team! It was a good, solid performance and
we would ahve won even if the other players had not dropped, well
that's life i guess.
~Posted by (GD)Edpow1
just in from Edpow1 ...
Map N
Painmaster, Edpow1 and Sniff V Arnie, GD Stalin and SS WHITTMAN.
Painmaster and i walked confidently onto the field hoping to impose
our superiority early on and enjoy the evening with a nice captured
bottle of vintage white wine, from '34. We were mistaken. I and
sniff quickly took the two blue middle balloons on the right and
centre but Painmaster couldn't get his, which is the hardest to
Having failed to take a early lead we settled in for a long campaign.
I formed a strong bridgehead round my balloon and repelled several
weak attacks from Stalin as he probed my defences. I had also set
up a formidable defensive area on the left through which i hoped
to attack. The game was going well and my artilliery was pounding
trekie's positions as he took out my bridges and access routes.
This hindered my supply lines and my bridgehead almost fell, but
just survived, with two tanks and a rabble of soldiers covering
from the deadly shelling.
Painmaster on the right flank was having a hard time against Arnie's
artillery and in a moment of madness he tied a banner round his
head and yelled 'BANZAI!!!'i and threw all he had into a tiny gap
which was promptly annihalated by fierce artillery, with both sides
taking heavy loses.
Pain in effect lost everything and i had to give him some of my
main army gruppen to shore up the huge holes. He held out valiently
to a quite superb attack from Arnie. On the other hand a stagnant
artilliery battle was going on between Whittman and Sniff. Whittman
seemed to bve getting the better of Sniff but neither made any progress.
Meanwhile in the middle i repelled a attack on my bridge head then
made a dummy attack with a tank to observe stalin's forces. I then
pounded him with artillery. He destroyed my attack and quickly attempted
a counter. His infantry was quickly shot to pieces by my AT cannons
and his slow K1 and Stalin tanks got bogged down and many were destroyed
or put out of action.
I quickly drew my resrves and pilled head on into his lines. Both
of us took heavy losses but i was almost through. I decided to withdraw
and pound his remaining units with artillery. I then mustered all
i had, taking men of AT guns etc and plunged into his final units.
He only had 3 tanks and a few AT and AA cannon. I killed everything
but one tank and a few of his men and was so close to breaking through
when my attack faltered and a suprise attack on my flank by Whittman
stopped any hopes of a breakthrough. Trekie was almost dead but
Pain was in a worse state. He had been attempting to hold out but
Arnie's skilled attack was too much for Panmaster's few units and
the right side of the map was taken.
I made one last chance for reinforcements and with my bridgehead
ploughed through Stalin's few feeble defences and got all the way
to the south west corner of the map, and was under the flag i needed
for reinforcfements when Arnie's Reinforcements happened to stumble
over me. I took out serveral tanks and men with my small force but
could not capture the flag. I was so close to getting the reinforcements
we were practically waiting for them to come onto the map but it
did not happen.
Soon most of the map was in the hands of the enemy and Sniff tried
a late attack with a few Stalins that whittman saw off with ease.
The day was lost in a extremely good game.
Congratulations to Trekie and Whittman and also a big well done
to their comrade Arnie who was the decisive factor, that and Painmaster's
kamikaze attack. A great game that could have gone either way and
literally went to down to a few men. I think at the stage when i
was attacking there were only about 10 - 15 tanks between us!. A
great game. Well played all!
17 Feb 2002
Report from last thursdays clan bash. Has a ripping game with CFE,
Doctor Jeep, Jof, Edpow, Painmaster and Hosenlotzl. Ed crashed out
fairly early, followed by Hosen a little later. (isnt that the german
word for trousers? what a strange name).
stats1, and
stats2. Read
the after
battle autopsy conducted
in chat.
30 jan 2002
doctor jeep just had a game with two members of WSS clan. they thought
i was a real idiot till they realised all 3 opposing players were
hitting my flank. omg it was a game of mine. attack, retreat, shell,
and the two wss boys just cleaned up their flank, i got hurt bad
but we did win so the clan can still hold its head high. well done
[19dec2001] Oddball Whittman and Edpow really shouldn't have won
this ...
[from Ed:] just played a really hard game with Oddball and whittman
against three others on the bridge at arnhem map. Here is a report.
We started off badly with whittman failing to take key posistions
and got reinforcements late which put us behind from the start.
Then came the eney's forces and Boot's wiped out nearly all my tanks
as they got to the front line. The same happened to Oddball. We
fought on until we got more reinforcements.
We quickly got these to he front line and both whittman and oddball
made impressive attacks on the flanks to take the island baloons.
Oddball was soon beaten back, however and whittman sustained heavy
looses. It was then that an enemy counter-atttack came through a
hole in whittman's defence which i quickly filled.
We were soon loosing on whittman's flank. I had been keeping up
an arty barrage in centre and in a combo of arty and bombers cleared
the entire middle section of tanks long enough to attack. I crossed
the broken bridges and got two flags. In the meantime whitt and
Oddball both lost a flag each giving the enemy vital reinforcements.
I continued with my attack and blockaded the enemies tanks into
a cowpen and destroyed them, howveer only one of my tanks survived!
I then got all my reinforcements to my front and whittmans. We fought
back a counter and i continued to attack. One last desperate counter
attack was seen off before two players on the other side dropped.
I then got an other flag uuing my one tank from earlier and was
about to go on my final offensive when the other team's last man
dropped. We would have won anyway. A good win which we clutched
from the claws of defeat: a little too close to defeat for my liking
Edpow: 12 nov 2001.
Here is the report from the recent 2v 2 game.
As we started Jeep's graphics card blew up so i was left to fight
whittman and lt lee in a 2 v 1 situation.
They had double the men and quickly took the middle balloon. My
options were very limited and i had to dig in. I held out well against
whittman's relentless attacks on my right flank, the one DR J had
left me with. He eventually got the balloon but with heavy looses.
Then came the bombers. A wicked bombardmant left me wounded but
not dead. I quickly reposistioned myself. Meanwhile on the other
flank Lt LEe was going for an all out assault on my home balloon.
I held out with only a few men and tanks surviving. He had thrown
everything he had at me and i pounced on the opportunity to attack.
I sent three pershings to his home flag. Only a few AT guns stood
in my way. THen whittman countered and went for my homeflag instead.
I quickly raced back leaving only one pershing to take lt lee's
homeflag. I just mana Edpow1 .
DRJ says: oi edpow, i tried my best to join, not my fault sust is
so badly coded. will be back soon. then we can really start to inflict
some pain!
edpow vs painmaster
ed: I just played Pain Master on a 1 V 1. Here is my report. I started
well and took the top balloon and the lower balloon on the duel
map. I got my reins and positioned myself for a long war. However
i was wrong....Pain quickly laid a full assault on the top balloon,
i had let him have tyhe bottom one. He nearly got it but i held
on. I then sent my whole army to take his posistion, he was badly
outnumbered due to his failed attack and i eventually got his flags.
Then suddenly his reins came just as i was preparing to round him
up. A feirce battle ensued and i managed to destroy his only hope
of salvation. I then went to round up his remaining men which i
did quickly and the game was over. A good match which could have
gone either way until the end. Cheers for the game Pain!.
news in from edpow ...
I just played Oddball and's the report.
Oddball and whittman wanted to play with me so i found a partner
and decided to tango. We played a newish map called arnhem. I started
badly, failing to take the river baloon. Being annoyed i attacked
through a narrow passiage and lo and behold found no resistance.
I sauntered to the first flag and casually took it. Again with another
flag. All was going well...a little too well. Before i could get
my reinfs to the front i was pounced upon by an army of pershings.
I held them off and took another balloon...this was getting difficult.
I took another balloon and got my reinfs to the line. Suddenly another
great tamnk army took my supply route. I was cut off. My battered
army fought on bravely and took another flag. These reins were just
enough to stop a dangerous oddball counter. Whittman then left and
i went around collecting the remaining balloons. Suddensly my partner
came to life right at the end and moved huis force in to take the
last balloon in dramatic style. Not even oddball's mouldy apple
crates could s.. [transmission interrupted]
scores here
13 oct
Just another saturday night ... 3Bravo frontslassch map.
well, 3 clan members assembled for an impromptu clan bash this saturday
night. Edpow, doctor jeep and oddball all assumed different names.
the theme for this evening was arseganistan, so doctor jeep became
islama bum lederhosen, edpow became arsama bun lardy and oddball
became hosanna bin linen.
strangely, and amusingly, we had a few people turn up to the game
and leave, especially when edpow started doing WTC jokes.
Oh well, we played on anyway.
Edpow must hate himself, cos he decided on playing 2v1 on a 3v3
map, which was a bit worrying cos if he actually won, we'd never
hear the end of it.
It started normally enough with odd and dr just occupying high ground
and taking bunkers, but it quickly became obvious that edpow was
not going to attack. It was a map effectively without LR art, so
you have to be careful and my 'artillery creep' tactic just couldnt
so, i trained up an elite squad by attacking an unoccupied bunker,
and sent them to attack behind a few trucks, supported by a couple
of snipers a general and a panther tank. it was at this point that
edpow's position caved. Then i got cocky and advanced my tanks too
far, they all got killed with the exception of THAT panther, but
i managed to hold a flag.
At the same time oddball was advancing on the other flank, doing
almost exactly the same manouver (though he lost less tanks), and
there was no way out for edpow.
Edpow did lose, but at 2v1 this is no surprise. he got a massive
score and we all had a fairly cool game.
11 october
news from edpow:
Whittman oddball and myself played bane, lt lee and pain killer.
Whittman took advantage of their slow start and got a vital balloon
very quickly but could not hold his position. I started a barrage
against them and soon it was clear we were gaining the upper hand.
Soon bain dropped and we went on the offencive. Oddball went quickly
down the left flank towards a heavily defended balloon. He broke
through and got us vital reins. He then held on unitl i came with
support in the form of a couple of pershings. We drove back a counter
attack and then went for the next balloon. Oddball was quick and
his arty couldn't keep up and so he used theirs instead. I sent
another small column in and we smashed their lines. Lt lee then
dropped and all we had to do was round the pockets of resistance
up. Oddball's attack finally ran out of steam and i took up the
baton. I forged a clear path through some AT cannons and took another
balloon. Pain killer, seeing all was lost,
decide Edpow1
06 October
news in from Edpow:
"Here is mein brief, mein Fuhrer!
Cobra, i and Bain, our newest member, walked confidently onto the
battlefield. A chilling wind bit through our clothes and frost landed
upon our monecules. We were sie bundersdeutschrebulikpanserdivision
while we fought the slavic main army group 7. Which consisted of
3 other players. EArly artillary attacks were followed with probing
attacks. Gd failed to establish a bridgehead to cross the river
and were forced to hold defencive posistions and had to stand up
to the attacks and creeping barrage. we returned fire and took out
a lot of their arty until finally our generals succumb to sniper
fire. CObra had established a foo hold on the right flank whilst
i held on the left. Soon though, an attack was upon us. From the
corner of my side a sneeky pontoon bridge had been built. We suppressed
oyur attackers splendidly until they attacked again through the
middle where a valiant bain was dug in against a relentless bombardment.
Together we repelled two more attacks and shored up our river denfences
to stop any
Cobra, meanwhile, was trying to establish more beachheads and was
taking heavy fire. We moved a large force over our bridgehead to
relive him and take out their arty.Victory was certain when Our
opponents had to go. A great game and well played to all. Gd withstood
early disappointments and came out fighting.
A brilliant performance! The game lasted nearly three hours!"
By Edpow1 (Foreign minister)
Tuesday early
news just in from oddball:
" evening saw a clash between myself (oddball) and SS Whittman.
we chose a large map and everything went smoothly at first, with
battle lines firmly established down the centre. After setting up
artillery and forward mortar positions, I sent out scouts to probe
for weaknesses before slowly making my way down his right flank.
Meanwhile the bridge at the top left was the scene of vigourous
demolition and repair as SS Whittman tried to force a bridge head.
Despite a very accurate constant bombardment his forces were kept
at bay! after taking and retaking the 2 bottom corner flags, i began
to push on up through his rear lines, keeping my morter teams close
to the action and simultaniously attacked his centre. All the while
battling to stop his troops getting across that bloody bridge!
In a move not unlike market garden, i tried to speed up the end
of the battle in my favour by parachuting over his home flag. However
my planes never even made it there and crashed nearby, hopefully
taking something out in the process! So it became a war of attrition,
with Whitman making me pay for every yard with the blood of my grunts!
When he was down to one flag, I assembled my men and attacked from
two directions destroying everything in my path. His rapidly retreating
artillery never stood a chance! But hang on, why is the game not
over? i can see nearly every bit of it and yet i am not victorious.
Then a closer inspection reveals a small dark patch in my rear (leave
it!) so i send in the troops only to find more bloody artillery!
and behind my lines!?!?! How the fuck it got there i dont know,
but it explains why his barrage was so accurate! I thought i had
the bridge well and truely covered!
I have i feeling he must have some LCT patch and landed his men
further up the shore! After wiping out this baverian exchange party
i noticed a red blip moving towards my home flag, it was frigging
tiger tank! (And he didnt get it from me!) luckly for me i had abandoned
some AT guns at my reinforcement point and managed to stop him within
sight of my home flag. It was an engrossing and enloyable game (well
i did win) and lasted a marathon 2 hours and 26 minutes! Hey Norris,
is that a record?! Oddball "
LOLOLOLOLOL well done oddball. its good to see a good player actually
enjoying the game!!!!!!!
25 sept
news just in from joseph stalin:
"Ahhh another glorious victory in the name of the gross deustschland.....
on our map, which we play all the time.... so actually not so glorious
Both sides were fairly evenly matched (except in experience of map).
Myself and cobra and a good defnsive but not so good offensive player
called bluebyte71 me an blue russian and cobra was american. VS
2 pretty good players (whose names i ahve forgotten) and an sswiking
player ( whose reputation as a clan is pretty good and whose name
i ahve also forgotten put on theri team to even up teams as had
played the map a lot).They were 2 german and 1 russian
Both sides dashed for the noraml defensive posistions wiv the charecteristic
nbomans land gap in the central front. unfortunately after bith
sides had gotten all their reinfporcements but just before one of
the good enemy players had fully set up his defence. he synced out.
This left the right hand player with huge numbers of reserves. He
hastily set up slightly withdrawn defences from the right hand flank
as his early probes were crushed. on the righa dn centre our side
managed 1 then 2 of the centre flags, albeit after it was captured
by the enemy. stalemate proceeded this while reinforcemnts arrived
as neither side had the forces to fully attack.
our sides artillery by myself and bluebyte was up cose to the front
and quickly changed to at guns then back again after beating another
wave of double reinforcements (from synced out player ) of german
tanks and troops to poounding their artillery taht was cunninly
played but eventually revealed by getting several officers behind
their lines. Cobra howver had to deploy his arty further back and
was at teh disadvantage of being forced to hold a large chunk of
the centre and the meat grinder on the left flank. after many probes
byt th enemy and seemingly 1939 russian tactics of wave after wave
of troops slowly and very nearly detsroyed out key defences. However
they eventually failed due to our arty gone at guns. then it was
cobras turn to be pounded he attacked and provoked the right hand
flank to attack nearly reaching his fairly weakened line ( due to
forces being used on the centre) after just having recieved 10 trucks
of men in renforcements i rushed to
Meawhile no attacks had touched my huge maiginot line in the right
so i builtup a huge army of som 30-40 tanks and 100 men and probed
tehir defences. after this i attacked and my light tanks crashed
straight into their main fortress ( interesting tactic of bastions
behond arty range that are nearly unavoidlabe and become meat grinders
at key postistions) This cought me off guard a huge defence over
a balloon that wouldnt ahve been a likely target obviously he knew
my plan. i then realised taht by moving my arty up into nomans land
i could pound them. i encircled the bastiona nd sat back and watched
as his troops were killed by bothe arty and tanks and machine guns.
meanwhile bluebyte71 had slowly probed the centre and caused an
attack and drew forces from both flanks.
meanwhuile a huge counterattack of epic proportions in true cobra
style rumbled down the left flank iv2s burning in his wake and 100s
of dead enemy soviet corpsesfell to this awesome combined warfare
of tanks men and artillery. the enemy put up tremedous resistance.
but had lost too much and were down a commander. eventually the
last 2 enmy commanders quit one by one knowing the result.
A great battle and a good experience and lesson for both sides.
~thanks JS.
25 sept
DrJ was unable to attend the sunday meet against the TDB clan, but
most of the clan stalwarts turned up. unlike the TDB who managed
to field 2 members. Anyway in the best tradition of suddenstrike
multiplay it degenerated into a quite wonderful fiasco. here are
two battle reports:
From Cobra, organisor of the sunday bash:
"After sending out various correspondence out to the clan myself,
major clanger, captain fat elvis and Edpow1 met up for training
at midday on sunday. The idea behind meeting at this point was to
get some training in on the terrain that TDB had said we were going
to do battle on. Myself and clanger had recce'd the map on friday
and CFE and Edpow1 were doing so before midday on sunday.
We met up in the war room to discuss tactics on how to over throw
the soon to come TDB onslaught. Major Clanger came up with a sure
fire way on which zeps we should send our paras to. I should say
at this point there should have been no confusion over this proposed
plan, but there was a spanner in the works and it came in the form
of Edpow1, who, it seems doesn't know how a conventional clock face
looks! This lead to a heated discussion, which, I am ashamed to
say, lead to me losing my rag (note to self count to 100 not 10
it doesn't work). It should be noted that Edpow1 should be up in
front of a court martial for back chatting GD officers.
Once we had the tactics sorted, TDBjules200uk contacted me at zero
hour 3pm, we were all geared up ready to give TDB a proper good
hiding on their own map...But disaster......the map wasn't 4v4 it
was 3v3.....what could have gone wrong...Cobras dodgy leading, GDs
excitement of the possibility of beating TDB getting in the way
of the basic facts? I don't think we will ever know, draw your own
After a few false starts we eventually got the game under way (at
this point i must point out this was now just a friendly). The sides
consisted of me, major clanger and Capt. fat elvis against TDBjules200uk,
TDB-Blackrider and Edpow1.
Of course our original plan was now useless so GD fought on how
theyt knew best bravely and without cowardice. We set up our line
with me on the west flank and major clanger taking the east flank
and capt elvis facing a heavy onslaught up the centre. Major Clanger
bravely pushed up the east flank gaining ground slowly and surely.
CFE set up his defences ready for the soviet onslaught, and it came,
tank after tank after tank, and as normal those tanks fell foul
to CFE mines and dragon teeth, the onslaught was reversed the commies
were running!!!!!
I meanwhile had set up my howitzers close to enemy zeps and was
relentlessly pounding there defences and also had to discourage
the commies from attacking me as well. This went on for about an
hour until the lag got so bad that the game crashed, never mind
we picked up from the last save. We restarted but alas the lag was
still bad due to the huge numbers of both sides. The TDB 2 ran scared
just as the GD elite were starting to gain ground. With the use
of my general and long range arty i picked off the oppositions defences
slowly and surely, while major clanger fought bravely to repel an
enemy counter attack which was relentless and he was almost lost
until i transferred some units to him.
Now I know how i feel the game was going and I believe CFE and major
clanger would probably agree, We were slowly gaining ground towards
some much needed reinforcements. Then Edpow1 crackled over the radio
"I need to go" and then it came, more disrespectful comments "i
win you lose nah nah nah" now forgive me if i'm wrong but if players
leave regardless of the situation the remaining players win especially
when we were in the position of gaining reinforcements.
This is war correspondent Cobra. Over and Out "
Edpow's account:
"Match Report.
Mein Fuhrer: Here is my report on the recent clan battle with T.D.B.
We engaged the enemy at 3:04pm precisly on the afternoon of sunday
the 23rd of the ninth month of the lunar calender. Three of our
best commanders (Cobra, Capt. Fat Elvis und Major Clanger) and me
were ready and boozed up to fight! We had previously surveyed the
ground on which the conflict was to take place and concieved a cunning
plan! A plan, yes a plan! by GD generals!
On a good return to our normal form, however, from this unsteady
and dileareous height at which we now stand we promtly could not
work out the plan properly and got very confused. After much debating,
swearing and accusations of birthrights the plan was set! Hurrah
for those GD boys I hear you shout. Alas again another return to
form with an almighty cock up from the heighest height imaginable
will be mentioned in a minute.
TDB could only muster two generals, Jules200 and Darkknight. A replacement
was quickly drafted in called dan. The ip was given and we joined.
This well and told me which balloons to get first. We did so and
were heavily reinforced. I held out particularly well in the east
against a creeping barrage. The TDB players decided to go rampaging
into the GD defences and got a long distance then stoped. It was
all down to me now. I charged the east and took 4 balloons getting
u reins and putting GD on the backfoot. Then came the lag. Like
rain upon a winter's day. After much cursing the game crashed. We
started from a saved point but the lag was even worse, like a flashflood.
Eventually the two TDB players got scared and ran for their mommies
in a cowardly act.
The GD clan were gaining ground on the west flank and the TDB players
left. I was alone. Cold, scared but defiant to the last. I knew
what to do though......i called oddball and ordered 10 new IS2 Iosif
Stalins. I screamed Beer and Honour and charged like a mighty buffalo.
I took the whole of the east flank in doing so but took heavy loses.
I then proceeded to the centre off the map and my advance was lo
......................end of transmission................. Edpow1
(Minister for Foreign affairs and those with ur girlfriend) "
Well done all those who took part, i wish i had been there it sounded
like a right laugh!
18 sept
sorry folks i have been both extremely busy, and extremely lazy
at the same time to i havent updated this for a little while. here's
a match report from a week ago courtesy of PainMaster:
recently had a game between myself, capt fat elvis and whittman.
After weathering an initial onslaught from whittman I managed to
settle down to a nice defensive position after taking a few key
flags. The assault on whittmans home base was very nasty indeed,
after mining the area and setting up at guns, the carnage was a
joy to watch as his troops entered the screen to meet a nasty end.
It was just a matter of moments before I cleaned his troops from
the rest of the map, leaving myself and elvis to slug it out. After
a very cagey spell with both of us probing at each others defences
I was left dumbstruck when I saw a massive red blip moving towards
my position. This red blip must have contained most of elvis' army,
tanks , infantry, at guns and just about anything he could throw.
I immediately shored up my defences with at & aa guns and bombarded
the red blip with six grenade launchers and seven artillery positions.
The red blip began to vanish faster than my cash at the pub. After
the rush on my position I began to take balloons all over the map
before capt fat elvis piped up and claimed he had fell asleep at
the monitor (very dubious indeed). With one balloon to go I lost
connection. However I would like to say that elvis did play very
well until his suicidal rush on my position and whittman and I had
to scrap it out from the word go as both our home bases were right
next to each other.
As this was the first time I have played against whittman it would
be very unfair to judge his play on this match alone, however I
do look forward to our next meeting in game.
8 sept
Belated news from the thursday matches.
It was a godd turnout on thursday, with the clan's 3 newest members
all turning up. It was marred though by continual link losses and
crashes, and an in-clan 3v3 match (oddball, kolostomy and dr jeep
vs major clanger bWare and whitman, i think they were the teams)
degenerated into a 1v1 match of clanger vs oddball. The map was
way to large for a 1v1 and they both ended up taking each other's
flanks and calling it a day.
While this was happening Doctor Jeep and painmaster had a 3v3, supported
by a chap called kane. As usual they sent everything to doctor jeep's
flank in repeated kamikaze attacks (when will they ever learn?),
and consequently lost everything. Amazingly painmaster anticipated
a major tank rush and gave me some units in the nick of time, and
doctor jeep presided over a very impressive massacre, with some
low ground so packed with dead tanks you couldnt see the ground.
How pain knew exactly when to give me those troops i dont know,
but thats good teamwork. scores
4 sept
News from Sunday: GD members Cobra, CFE, Doctor Jeep andKolostomy
had a couple of games against some germans: Mod Duke, MOD raptor
and a couple from the SSSF clan whose names i cant remember. The
first game was a bit of a clan disaster, with both kolostomy and
CFE losing the flanks and a couple of key flags, and cobra and drJ
failing to capitalise on their weakness in the center.
Cobra was out for the next game (due to a champs match) and we got
reinforcements from germany to make up the 4. On this map we were
in a very strong position and may even have won but for sust crashing
all the time, link lossing and generally behaving very badly. Oh
This was supposed to be a clan match using the
league, but I havent added the scores to credit the above players.
I shall try to do this today.
31 aug
Well, the GD clan had its first taste of inter-clan combat against -- the STS clan. for some reason
(i guess this is because the datapipe between germany and the UK
is a bit slim) we were dropping out all over the place and luckily
the host, an STS clanleader, was saving regularly. we bravely soldiered
on knowing that at any moment our computers would be link-lossed.
anyway:match report. the GD clan were playing a map that is the
favourite map of their clan and that set us at a disadvantage immediately.
also, our connection to germany kept screwing up (this was especially
annoying to oddball who had his entire position wiped out while
he was looking at the link-loss window). however the clan played
well and if we lost, we at least gained some friends. In the end
painmaster and oddball got hammered on the flank, and from then
on it was only a matter of time before CFE and dr jeep had their
defensive positions annihilated.
GD players: oddball, doctor jeep, pain killer, CFE, you can get
the scores, and the STS player names here.
excuses aside, the STS are not only amazingly good players, they
are also very cool, and there may well be a rematch on sunday.
To avenge the defeat, the GD clan launched a pogrom in the multiplayerDB
ghetto. using our favoured 3v3 map, we had a game against 3 other
players, including a chap called cowboy who turned out to be a very
good player and a right pain in the arse. he virtually destroyed
my position, and got his team mates to join in the mad destruction.
this, unfortunately led to his tanks going into a defended minefield
and kolostomy taking the right flank. hats off to cowboy though,
who is a very good player, and if i have my way the next member
of the clan!
27 aug
Last night featured a match between CFE, DrJeep and Painmaster against
3 players including a chap called wolf (if anyone can remember who
the other chaps were let me know and I'll credit them). There was
a major link loss leaving drjeep and painmaster to play on against
wolf. most of the action seemed to take place on drjeeps flank ("why
is it always me?") and he managed to hold a key flag under
intense pressure only by suicidal counter attacks. this did leave
painmaster free though to create all sorts of havoc in the center.
painmaster then dropped connection and wolf and I settled for a
draw as the game looked like it would continue past christmas.
Interstingly the first link loss didnt result in the other players
dropping out, they played on in a parallel universe where painkiller's
center got totally moshed. i have never heard of this happening
Next we played a 1v1v1, and owing to fight a war on two fronts doctor
jeep lost. I dont know who won yet, but i am fairly confident it
was painmaster.
23 aug
The attitude of some players never ceases to amaze me. Painmaster
and Dr Jeep had a couple of run-ins with a sad little man called
SS Panzer Viking. In the first battle, painmaster's connection dropped
leaving me to fight on alone, and miraculously I won, well sort
of. SS Panzer viking ran away from the game when he sent all his
tanks through a minefield meticulously prepared earlier by painmaster.
This is the bloke who says he 'never lost a battle'. well, he did,
he got his ass kicked and then he ran away.
shot of the results.
The second game was a little less fortunate for the clan, with both
Dr Jeep and painmaster making the mistake of not defending one flank
well enough. Oh well, we fought on till the last man, and it was
quite fun constructing anti-tank defences and kill zones. What marred
the game was the attitude of SS Panzer Viking who obviously didnt
take well to losing the last match.
19 aug
drJeep managed one game yesterday, again fighting alongside capt
fat elvis and kolostomy against a bunch of players i've never heard
of before. two of them dropped out fairly early leaving ray to continue
on his own. To his credit not only did he play magnificently, but
he also played till the last man. In this game doctor jeep got totally
hammered by repeated attacks from ray, but held on with elvis filling
in the holes of my battered defenses. What was illuminating was
the level of team work involved, with drJeep bringing up tanks in
concert with elvis's infantry. here is a screenshot of the state
of play after we broke the
flank, and here is the inevitable
scores here.
18 aug
Yesterday's clan meet became a bit of a marathon lasting some 6
hours ... starting with an in-clan match with painmaster and dr
Jeep fighting Capt fat elvis and oddball. Both sides were evenly
matched, with intense firefights lasting an hour or so on both flanks.
In the end a seemingly suicidal tank rush by oddball broke Dr Jeeps
flank (
screen shot
of the aftermath
the ground to the left of the shot had become one big crater), after
that it was a foregone conclusion, painkiller had to leave (he had
visitors) and then the game crashed to desktop. elvis and oddball
were the clear winners ... i cant say how pissed off i am at losing.
For the second game Kolostomy joined fresh from the pub, and along
with Dr Jeep and fat elvis started a 3v3 which crashed as we were
winning. These crashes seem to be getting more frequent, i dont
remember them happening with 1.2.
lastly capt fat elvis and Dr Jeep had a couple of 1v1 games. Dr
Jeep won the first due to his better knowledge of the map, and the
other finished indecisively at 3.30am when we both realised that
when we shut our eyes we saw little tanks moving about. In a rare
act of detente, we assembled some of our surviving troops for a
group photo.
Even with the various crashes this was probably the best clan meet
we have had so far, roll on next week!
Saturday 11 aug
thursday saw a match with kolostomy , bware and doctor jeep facing
kampfer , punta and martin maddog . all started well deploying to
hold the purple balloons and defending while waiting for reinforcements
to arrive as this was map I from the original game . our opponents
held the middle while we strongly defended both flanks .
a combined attack on kolostomy at the right saw him lose ground
to superior numbers and relentless rocket attack . once the right
side fell and the enemy gained the purple flags to gain bombers
the game was lost .
well played to our three opponents who used a two sided attack to
gain the advantage , a late counter-attack by doctor jeep on the
left side almost paid dividends but was quashed before the capture
limit was reached . better luck next time lads .
- (gd) kolostomy
28 july
what a game!!!! Doctor jeep alongside basha and Jojo inflicted a
very cool defeat on the Xmas clan, who left after they sent their
tanks into their last pointless sortee. leaving because you are
losing is really bad for your team mates and not in the spirit of
the game. the XMAS clan are now also 'Enemas of the state'.
tialk at least played on till last, and he played well too.
screenshot of our
center :) and the
26 July
Well, as thursday night is now the official GD clan night, we thought
at least a couple of us would get together to annoy some germans
and inflict terrible attrocities on electronic prisoners of war.
For some reason though every game we played crashed, broke or dropped,
so we gave up and Oddball and I just played the game together, using
a 1v1 map from the original game. it cant have been our computers
at fault because they worked perfectly.
Oddball has come on a lot, despite only playing once a week, and
at one point i was down to a tank with no tracks and 5 commandos,
which i shuffled about the central flags to make it seem like I
had more units than I really did.
The units lost tally in the end was virtually identical: and at
2hrs09 this is probably the longest multiplay game i've had, and
I cant believe how close i was to losing.
26 July
Played an awesome game with He-man, catch22 and Gerard, a true all-star
blockbuster that lasted 1.5 hours before we decided to call it a
Playing with He-man on the map 'hot sky of cairo' i immediately
made to take the center balloon, which thankfully i did. The small
problem was my forces were spread out over the west and the center,
while He-man had only the east to look after.
Luckily i was playing germans, as was he-man, and we both settled
in to defend our positions, shell the opposition and wait for the
inevitable onslaught. It was then that Heman lost connection, leaving
me having to fight on three fronts. He had however been busy and
had established an excellent defence and forward artillery position,
so i didnt really have to worry so much.
Those big howitzers rock, and i slowly inched up my mortars and
tanks behind the rolling barrage, making excellent progress on the
eastern flank, getting to within officer sight range of a key flag
(on this map a flag rush is very difficult and basically pointless
as i had set the capture delay to 3 minutes).
To the west a rather amusing massacre was taking place, with gerard
throwing everything in ... under constant barrage from mortars,
assault guns and artillery. I think by this time (through sheer
luck) i had knocked out most of their big howitzers. And then that
most wonderful sight: a truck rush, followed by a couple of tanks
and the message 'gerard has disconnected' (i guess he shot his last
we played on for another half hour or so with me gradually degrading
catch22's forces, until we decided to call it a day (it was 1.30pm
and i could barely even see the monitor). I guess i had superior
numbers of troops and tanks, but they were spread out all over the
map defending strong points, and concentrating them would have left
me too open to sneak attacks. we settled for a draw.see the final
scores screenshot
25 july
well, Doctor Jeep (me) played a couple of games last night. The
first, a 2v2 against the HC clan resulted in a resounding failure.
My team mate (not a member of this clan thankfully) lost his home
flag and then disconnected, leaving me to fight on against overwhelming
odds. What was irritating was the boastful attitude of the HC clan
(they are not all like this, HC Adeski is ok for instance). Its
only a game my friends, and winning doesnt mean you have a bigger
The HC clan are now officially 'enemas of the state'.
The next battle was a different matter, playing alongside Xavier,
an excellent team player. Unfortunately one of the opposition dropped
out (we were winning at the time, i think he ran away), leaving
Fallen Angel to fight on. He lost but its not surprising, and he
put up a good fight.
24 july
DISASTER ... despite assuming a hedgehog defence and sheltering
in the comfort of a nice concrete bunker, bWare's hard drive has
been knocked out, with the result that he probably wont be around
for a week or two. However
nights are still on, as Oddball will be joining in the ritual
humilation this week.
17 July
The clan has been mostly practising for the championship together,
but there have been a few interesting games with the outside world.
A few days ago our very own Herr Plinkenplonken (thats me) played
a game with a couple of russians, a frenchman and two germans. I
was frankly shocked at the attitude of the german players to the
russians. These krauts were positively glorying in the fact that
20 million russians died at the hands of hitler's willing executioners
in the last war. sadly this type of attitude is all to common amongst
our kraut sudden-strike-playing friends.
it would be nice to think that germany's national character has
improved over the last sixty years: regretfully i am not so sure.
1v1 games have been the flavour of the moment, including a notable
double thrashing by Jon D (not the famous alchemist from the 17th
century lol). Of course getting the second bottle of wine probably
wasnt the best grand strategy, but whats good for Herman Goering
is good enough for anyone. Jon D hosts with the maps supplied with
the game as well: if he is hosting a game, jump on board it'll be
Also of note was Herr Plinkenplonken's rout of HC Adeski a couple
of times last week. HC Adeski has a very good reputation but is
probably inexperienced at 1v1, which is a totally different game
to team matches. saying that, he is probably a whole lot better
1v1 by now ... watch out!
8 July
At present only Herr Plinkenplonken has upgraded to the Sudden stReich
add-on, making concerted action a bit difficult.
however HP has managed a run of 10 games undefeated. It wouldnt
be that good but on one occasion, staring a particularly embarrassing
defeat in the face, the connection dropped. It always seems to be
when you're winning this happens, so it was a pleasant change to
rob someone of the chance to gloat.
Last night Herr Plink and (L.R.D.G)FRIDGE inflicted a comprehensive
victory on Commander Q and Warlord. Commander and Warlord both are
excellent players so beating them was an achievement. Despite our
overwhelming advantage having captured a couple of key flags, they
held on for ages with an almost miraculous defence. Well done.
23 June
with Mooney Boy on the western front, the Gross Dachshund clan members
Herr Plinkenplonken and bWare scored a massive victory in the western
front ... aided by beers that is. Mooney boy was playing soviet,
bWare allied and Herr plinkplonken german. Another glorious victory
for the farterland.
it was in short a brilliant game, with victory uncertain until the
very end ... well played all.
there's a screen shot of Herr plinkenplonken's heroic defence of
the center on the right hand side, other pics from bWare can be
here and
20 June
This clan is now active, and after an hour of waiting around on
sunday for a game, and then faffing about while german players download
the map, the Gross Dachshund division, reinforced by Micke, settled
in for a complete defeat. We would have done a lot better but for
those damn katyushas which were irritatingly effective.
We are determined to win a game at some point.
well, its nearly 6 so i am gonna upload this crap. see you in the