Meritorious conduct awards
How do you recieve these? well, by nomination (email Doctor Jeep), or arbitrarily by the webmaster to liven up an otherwise boring page.

The Night's Cross (NC)
Awarded for gaming above and beyond the early hours of the morning.

Distinguished Drinking Cross (DDC)
Awarded for stupid drunken behaviour whilst gaming. Recipients must have demonstrated a super-human inability to spell and coordinate artillery.

Legion of the Meritoriously Absurd Outburst (LMAO)
Given for particularly amusing behaviour in the chat lobby or on the battlefield.

Clan Challenge Star (CCS)
Given to members who have participated in a clan V clan match where we actually win.

The Brown Star (BS)
Awarded for putting a page up on the site

Most Embarrassing Death in Combat (MEDIC)
Awarded to those wolfplayers who show a clear misunderstanding of the Panzerfaust concept.

CESS The Completely Empty Server Star CESS
1) Ludicrous playing style results in everyone else finding another server pretty sharpish 2) after half an hour of thinkings "its quiet, too quiet", you realise that its 5am and everyone else is in bed.

Order of the Slap OS
Recieved for gallant gaming under heavy social pressure to stop. This medal is usually awarded posthumously.

Generally Intellectual But Insane Erratic Talking medal GIBLET
awarded for making no sense whatsoever.

Military Service With Ordinary Results Decoration MSWORD
Given for having an amazingly cunnning plan that in hindsight is absolutely bound to fail.

Distinguished Fire Service DFS
Given for either complete lack of direction with an artillery barrage or for any member with a truly awesome team killing talent.

Legion d'Horreur LH
Bestowed for inflicting unfeasable casualties on enemy troops.

One Years Service badge 1Y
Endowed to all members who have been in the clan for one year.

Two Years Service badge 2Y
Endowed to all members who didnt get bored after the first year.

Order of the Alte Garde AG
Presented personally by the Fuhrer to the members of the Alte Garde as recognition of their loyaltyand consequent lack of common sense.

Absolute Star Star ASS
Bestowed by the Fuhrer himself on any clan member in a last-ditch attempt to save the frauenvolk while the Ivans are attacking Berlin. The Reich's Highest decoration we have yet made up.

Actually Turning Up Medal ATUM
Awarded for turning up for clan nights 4 weeks on the trot. Very unlikely that anybody will actually get this medal.

Silver Map Award SMB
Given to any clan-member who makes a map or mod.

Gold Map Award GMB
Given to any clan-member who makes a map or mod that somebody who isn't in the clan actually hosts.

The Ironic Cross IC
Bestowed for extreme prankery in the face of overwhelming Corporate clones or Germans.

Forum Freedom Star FFS
Given to all party members imprisoned during the CDV Forum Putsch of 2004.

Paralympics Silver PS
Awarded for sporting fallschirmjaeger prankery on FPS servers, including the bocage sprint and the 200meter freefall.

Paralympics Gold PG
Awarded for amazing sporting fallschirmjaeger prankery on FPS servers, including the bocage sprint, the 200meter freefall and the Pavlov sex orgy.

Hero of the Reich HR
something about winning games. or beer. feck, I have forgotten. Whittman? Edd? why have you tidied my desk? Mein gott!

Working Towards the Fuhrer WTF
For fanatical service to the GD Volk.