The rise and fall of the 1.21st Streich.
a History by Captain Fat Elvis

See also by CFE:
the intercepted encoded messages sent by wireless instant messenger at the outbreak of war
captured high security documents
intercepted post-match debriefing

It started with sporadic skirmishes between Dr Jeep, Captain Fat Elvis and various irregular forces. Of the few reports that have landed on the desk here at divisional H.Q. even fewer have made coherent sense. Some garbled reports from Elvis seemed to be trying to ask for reinforcements of infantry, some big tanks (but that could have be a report about big tanks attacking) and a resupply of ammo and beer. What is know from reports posted on uk champ site is that Elvis lost many units in protracted mortar duel with an as yet unidentified enemy.

Then a little later in the evening Dr Jeep broke radio silence in an effort to reinforce Elvis with beer, he at the time having just over run the Kronenburg factory in the East of france and had dangerous amount of continental larger to dispense a.s.a.p. In a display of blatant disregard of divisional protocol he headed for Amsterdam where he believed Elvis to be.

Finally at about 11pm evening time after much confusion (Elvis was in fact in Hamburg not Amsterdam) and some dropped and unentered battles Dr Jeep and Elvis met up in one of the less decorated areas of the above great city. We know the above information because of a report of an anonymous clan member who logged on to AIM just as Dr Jeep and Elvis were heading off to battle again having grabbed essential supplies on there way.… Reports from and about Dr Jeep then stopped coming in although at one stage a woman's voice was heard using Dr Jeeps enigma variation code, all thought we listen hard with our ears to the radio speakers all we could hear was laughter breaking glass and sporadic small arms fire.

Finally Dr Jeep and Elvis decided to do some protracted night time training exercised using a mixture of live and blank ammo, after more than an hour those units that had survived felt they were much better off for the training and would pose a greater threat next time they met the enemy. It was decided to call a halt to the battle due to it now being past 3 in the morning and due to the battle having turned into a long drawn out game of creeping barrage and obsessively lain mine fields. When a truce was agreed both Elvis and Dr Jeep shot the wounded and went back to Amsterdam via Hamburg.

At this point we received our first real news about the pair. Unfortunately this report came from the military police. As I write this account Dr Jeep and Elvis are still in custody but the division is pulling all strings pullable to get the two out of jail and ready to for tonight's Clan/Division meeting. The report from the arresting officer said "at approximately 3:45 the Defendants were seen driving a turbo charged panzer lutze 20mm backwards over a line of staff limos parked outside a 'gentleman's club' as they reversed at speed, they were throwing empty and full bottles of kronenburg at anything that didn't move and shouted "BEER AND HONOUR!" whilst being supplied with more beer bottles empty, full, opened and unopened by three women who were also eventually arrested.

Fortunately the limos were empty and no one was hurt. The five occupants of the tank were finally arrested when they blew a hole in the side of an empty building with the 20mm gun and then proceed to drive into the said building which itself proceeded to fall on top of them. it was as they stumbled staggered and swerved out of the building one at a time, covered in beer and dust, that Dr Jeep was heard to say something about digital destruction, anglepoise lambs and the nature of post modern society. He then proceeded to divest one of his young lady friends at which point we arrested him. whilst being supported by the other to women Captain Fat Elvis was adamant that the limos had driven under the tank and that they had only entered the building to look for stationery.

See also by CFE:
the intercepted encoded messages sent by wireless instant messenger at the outbreak of war
captured high security documents
intercepted post-match debriefing