New from Fireglow: SS2 resource war.
Bruhv's page
.. And Bruhv-ahh used to be such a nice guy ...
I had never been into online games to be honest, until I saw wolfy
for the first time at work(!) My manager put it on 2 pcs
on our lan, but he only really played sp (boo!) We had a couple
of one on one games, and I went online a few times... I was blown
away, figuratively speaking (as well as literally!) I bought the
game that night on the way home from work and things haven't been
the same since.
You see, it's not the fraggin', the killing anything and everything
that moves, it's all about the teamwork. If you haven't got
a sensibly balanced team you will probably lose. And it's nowhere
near as much fun. When the teams are right nothing beats it.
I tend to play as an engineer, mainly because that's the first class
I chose, but also because the responsibility of handing out med
packs/ammo etc are too much for me at the moment. I feel i have
much more to learn before I can be a useful medic/lieut.
As for being a soldier, good on those heavy weapons guys, I respect
you greatly, for every time i've tried i've killed no-one but my
own teammates. So i'll stick to engineer for now, I like it, but
I will soon start switching about a bit more no doubt. My favourite
map? Well, to be honest, any without flags. I prefer a good old
objective round to the flag type stuff, but I do enjoy a flag round
once in a while, they call for some massive firefights sometimes!
Go buy it now. You will be sucked in like you've never been sucked
in before!!